6.02 Yoga Nidra (Deep Relaxation)


Yoga Nidra is a process of deep relaxation. Sometimes referred to as yoga sleep, it is important to understand that this is not about coming out. This is a process of being guided through a technique, with the result of deeper relaxation than we can often experience on our own.

If you fall asleep with this, it is likely that you are sleep deprived. Many also find that it takes some practice to stay awake.

This is the type of technique you might follow when the pain is at its worst, and some people do this each day as a way to start to train their nervous systems to be less hypervigilant.

As with all techniques, if this does not feel safe or is not getting you what you want to get, try other techniques and talk to your health professional.


Listen to this recording 3 times to complete this lesson.